Email Grammar Tips

You may think there is no connection or relevance between constructing email messages with grammatically correct sentences and conducting the functions of a competent businessperson. However, your clients may disagree.

In order for customers to buy your products or use your services, they must have confidence in your abilities. Using proper grammar is important to make a positive impression.

The same can be said for internal correspondence within a corporation. Coworkers in other departments may not know anything about the work you do, but they may know English grammar. And, they may be quick to point out when you dont use that English grammar properly.

Since space prohibits a lengthy discussion on proper grammar, the following is a brief discussion of one common grammatical problem. Watch for these errors when composing your email messages.

Fewer or Less
Determining whether to use the word fewer or the word less can be tricky. Here are two techniques to help.

1. rccar Quantifiable Method

One technique is called the quantifiable method. Ask yourself if you can count the individual items (e.g., apples, paper clips, calculators) or if you cant count the quantity (e.g., food, time, patience).

If you can count the items, use fewer.

If you cant then count the items, use less.

For example, you can count the number of email messages you receive. And, most people want FEWER messages! Why? Because theyd like to spend LESS time on email.

2. Much or Many Method

Here is the second technique to help you determine whether to use the word fewer or the word less. This method is a little quirky. But, hey, quirky is more fun and that makes it easier to remember.

If you can rephrase the sentence by using the word much, then you select the word less. On the other hand, if you can rephrase the sentence by using the word many, then you select the word fewer.

Many = fewer.

Much = less.


The following example demonstrates how to determine when to use the word fewer and when to use the word less. This example illustrates both the quantifiable method and the quirky much or many method.

Determining When to Use Fewer or Less

Quantifiable Method:

If you can count the items, use fewer.

For example: There are fewer than six cars in the parking lot.

If you cannot count the items, use less.

For example: We had less gasoline in the car than we thought.

Much or Many Method:

If you would use many, then use fewer.

For example: She doesnt have many students.
Therefore, she has fewer students.

If you would use much, then use less.

For example:I dont have much time.
Therefore, I have less time.

Regardless of which method you use, be aware of the impression youre making with your email messages. Youll suffer LESS stress if you can retain MORE customers and staff by being professional.

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